
Aurora Aksnes (born June 15 1995, from Stavanger) is an Norwegian artist and vocalist. Her debut E.P. Running with the Wolves by Decca Records was released on May 15th of 2015 and received great reviews from bloggers and music critics as well as from the press. The singer has released two top-of-the-line covers Half the World Away by the band Oasis to promote a Christmas ad by John Lewis and Nature Boy by Nat King Cole. The singer gained further attention from a post by Katy Perry where Perry endorsed the song Runaway. Celebrate her birthday. Aurora Aksnes' earliest memory of music is finding a grand piano in the attic. She was fascinated by its capabilities. Jan Oystein Aksnes' parents May Britt Aksnes urged her to pursue music for development of her own, not for the purpose of making money or to pursue as a hobby. Thus, she began with her own music. Bjork and Leonard Cohen are among her favourite songwriters. In response to her mother's suggestion that her children shouldn't be trying to be famous through their songwriting skills, she instead realize the importance of themselves as well as their contribution to society. The piano was first played by her when she was six years old and began writing music when she was nine. She didn't tell her family about her music until she reached fourteen. Aurora wasn't a dream. The only thing she loves is writing music. Music is her favorite way of feeling anything.

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